Things I love?

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Outfit -
Jacket - Topshop  Tshirt - Joe Browns*
Trousers - Topshop  Sunglasses - Ebay
Shoes - Topshop  Rings - Shop Dixi, Camden Market
Lips - Revlon - Berry Smoothie 

Sometimes you have to try everything you can to help yourself be more positive, and see the sweet silver lining on every rain cloud. This tee really will help on those days, as it reminds me of all the things I love and cherish. Joe Brown's definitely did good with this one! It's also perfect for summer, and it was the perfect match for my Topshop checked trousers and denim jacket, for a sunny spring day. One that i may have accidentally got sun burnt on, opppsy. Although there's no chance of that at the mo, as in true British fashion the heavens have completely and utterly opened.

God bless