Regina George Brownies

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Whilst having a read of some blogs recently, I came across this post, on Meg's blog, Kind of Lovely. The post was a quick and easy recipe for 'Slutty Brownies', yes you did read that right, 'Slutty Brownies', and once I'd read it, I just had to make them, and of course share them with you guys too! 
They're scrummy and delicious and sweet and rich and amazing, so yeah, read on if you want to see how to make them! The simplest way I found to describe these is that they're a Brownie, Cookie, Oreo hybrid. Yep, you read that part right too.  
Oh and why are they called 'Slutty Brownies'? I hear you ask, cause they're easy!  
So you may be wondering why I changed their name to 'Regina George Brownies'. When explaining to my Nan what I was going to be baking, I knew me telling her 'Slutty Brownies' would meet with disapproval and one of those glances. So I changed the name to 'Regina George Brownies' knowing she'd have absolutely no clue who Regina George was, but that for most people they'd get the reference.
As I said by the rather lol-able joke I borrowed from Meg's blog, these are super easy as you use packet mixes for all of the individual components, but if you have your own cookie or brownie mixes that you love, go ahead and use those!   
- Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix 
- Brownie Mix
- Oreo's, I needed 2 packets and used double stuffed
- 1 Tsp oil
-Mini Marshmallows 
-All/any ingredients need for your mixes.

Step 1 -
Preheat the oven to the temperature given on your Brownie mix box, and bake for the time given for the Brownies too.

Step 2 -
Prepare your Cookie mix as instructed on your box/packet, and add 1 teaspoon of oil, as you will be cooking them for longer than recommended. I also added a hand full of mini marshmallows too. 
Step 3 - 
Once your Cookie mix is a dough put it into the bottom of a greased baking tray, covering the bottom of the tray.  
Step 4 - 
Add a layer of Oreo's covering the Cookie dough, I squished mine in but use as many or little as you want.
Step 5 -
Prepare the Brownie mix as instructed on your box.
Step 6 -
Pour the Brownie mix over the top of the Oreo's and Cookie dough, covering the whole of the top of the baking tray. 
Step 7 -
Bake for the amount of time given on your Brownie mix, but give a 5 minute allowance either side. Then take out and leave to cool.
Step 8 -
Take out when still a little warm or when completely cool it's up to you, but cut your Brownies into squares and enjoy. I also warmed one up in the microwave a few days after making them and it tasted divine, so you could also try that too!   

God bless