Well, tell her

Friday, 4 October 2013

Outfit - 
Shirt - Forever 21
Skirt - Topshop
Cardigan - Primark
Shoes - Topshop
Necklace - Primark
Ring - Pia
Nails - No7 - Stay Perfect Nail Colour - Blackcurrant

Monochrome's back on the menu boys!
If anyone get's the film reference that's from, let me know in the comments! We can be best friends!

I have to apologise for the lack of activity/blog posts on here over the last week or so. I've not been having the greatest time lately, and I've been getting ill-er and ill-er as the week's gone on; so blogging hasn't really been at the forefront of my mind.

What do you think of this outfit? Do you wear a lot of monochrome?
Love and cuddles
God bless