Where do we go from here?

Thursday, 28 March 2013

"It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're seventeen and planning for some day. And then quietly and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And that someday is yesterday. And this is your life..."
- Nathan Scott - One Tree Hill

This quote is one that has always stuck out to me, and right now it seems more real than ever. I may not be seventeen just yet (a few more months to go) but I'm definitely in the process of planning for 'some day'. Or I'm meant to be anyway.
Two weeks ago at college we had a HE fare, and so started the beginning of a very long, very scary yet very exiting process and journey. That of planning/deciding my future. And as the above picture suggests, I kinda have lots of questions! Such as; Do i go to uni? If so where? To do what? And probably a billion other ones that I haven't even thought of yet!
Whilst at high school, I was one of those people that was NOT going to Uni! I was completely stubborn about it, and was NOT going! I guess this was more to do with the fact that I didn't know what I wanted to do, and so didn't see the point in accumulating loads and loads of debt for no reason. Which in all honesty, is a pretty good point. But over the last few months, I've kinda been coming around to the idea of going to uni.
Since the HE fare, I've booked on to a heck of a lot of open days and ordered a lot of prospectuses; as well as booking the days in my dad's calender, so I can actually get to all the places and won't have to go alone! At times I've thought my mum's been way more exited than me, commenting when she thinks a specific course 'looks really good'. 

However, in the back of my mind will always be the murmurings of that year 11 girl, who said I don't know what I want to do so why waste all that money? Because in all honesty, I still don't know what I want to do when I 'grow up'. I know what I enjoy, and what I think I want to do at Uni (ish), but where that will lead me? Where I'll go after my 3/4 years doing a degree, that's the big question. As a Christian, someone who believes in God and who's faith is a huge part of who they are; I know that God has an epic plan for me and my life. What that is, the details of that; well that's just, another question
I guess this life is just one big adventure, one that I'm trying to embrace wholeheartedly. But I'm the kind of person who likes to have some sort of control over their situation, the little day to day stuff, the little details that make each day great don't bother me so much, what happens, happens. It's the big stuff that even if I'm not in control of, I like to have some idea where I stand. 
In reality, I guess the unknown is what scares me. Just having no idea or concept of what direction I'm heading. Yet as I said at the beginning, this whole 'Uni and future thing' completely excites me at the same time! The prospect of spending 3 or 4 years, studying something I enjoy and getting out of the town I currently live in. Exploring the world, meeting new people and having new experiences, although they send shivers down my spine also excite the hell out of me too. How that works I don't know, but that's how I feel.
The ever growing pile of prospectuses taking over my bedroom floor, is just a constant reminder that the future is coming and it's coming to stay. Doing all this research and booking onto these open days is the beginning of a new chapter, one that although slightly worries me also gives me butterflies of excitement and anticipation. If you flip to June on my calender, most of it has been taken over by University Open days; and I guess that's when the real journey starts. 
So right now, although pretty terrified I'm also pretty freaking excited! I may have so many questions, but I'm so intrigued at finding out the answers; and seeing where this life (and Jesus) takes me. 
Because as they say, 'The worlds your oyster
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