You don't need 'em

Monday, 17 February 2014

If you've read my last post then you'll know that at the moment I'm on a little mini-holiday break thing, in the Cotswold's with my parents. But this evening I thought I'd take a few minutes out and do a little haul post, to show y'all some of the lovely things I picked up today. As the title suggests, I don't really need any of this stuff per-say, but then I kinda do at the same time, you guys know where I'm coming from? I think?  
One of the first things I picked up where these lovely cut-out shoe/sandals from the Topshop sale. I tried them on with a dress and tights, but know they're gonna be great in summer or with jeans too! And getting lovely things in the sale is always a bonus too!

My first purchase of the day was this H&M skirt, I'm not 100% on whether it's leather or faux-leather, but because of the price I'm thinking it's the second of the two. I love the detailing down the sides and it's this that originally attracted me to it in the first place. 
Whilst in H&M, I also tried a few other things on and became aware of the fact that H&M sizing sucks big time! I tried something on that was size XS and something on that was a size 14, and both fitted perfectly! How that works just blows my mind!
The last two things I picked up were different kinds of tea. The first was a vanilla black tea from Whittard of Chelsea, and the second was a white tea with peach from a shop called Tiger? As soon as we walked in to, Tiger, it reminded me of a cross between Ale-Hop and Ikea; from what I could gather walking around the shop it was Danish. 
That's it guys the four things I picked up today, oh, excluding a bag of Haribo strawberries. But let me know what you think of my purchases and if you've picked up anything similar recently! Oh, and keep you eyes peeled because the skirt and shoes are likely to become regulars in my outfit posts.

Love and cuddles
God bless