Harry Potter Studio Tour

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

At the beginning of this month my family and I visited the Harry Potter Studio Tour held at Warner Brothers Studios. For any Harry Potter fans it's an absolute Mecca, containing the old sets, costumes and props from the film, along with so much more! I'd been before about 5 or so years ago, but this time it seemed so much larger and more developed, and I guess even more magical. I'd also coincidentally finished reading Harry Potter and The Cursed Child the night before we visited too. 
In normal me style I've popped together a lil' photo diary of our trip for you, it's rather photo heavy as always, so be warned! If any Harry Potter fans are reading this and haven't visited the Studio Tour I'd 100% recommend it, and if you're a bit lot of a geek like myself then I'd recommend it even more!
Oh, and hopefully at some point a vlog from the day will be going up on my YouTube channel, so make sure you're following me over there (here) so you know when it's up (if you're interested of course)  

God bless