A few little adventures

Monday, 17 August 2015

These are the last few of the pictures from the few days my family spent in London for my birthday. In fact they're actually the first day and the last day, but I thought the two parts of the second day deserved their own posts, so here we are! 
The first day we went to London Zoo (on my mums request) and although it was raining on and off pretty much all day it was rather nice, plus the animals are cute, so yanno, that kind makes up for it! (And no that's not a gigantic poo, it's a pygmy hippo)  
Our last day in the big smoke saw us eating rather alot of food! We started off at the legendary breakfast club, and I had the most amazing pancakes ever! Like they were insanely awesome! Afterwards we headed down to Covent Garden for a spot of shopping and a shake shack before hopping on the train back to Stoke! 

If you haven't checked out my other London posts then go and have a cheeky look at them if you fancy, you can see them here and here 

God bless