Savage Beauty

Monday, 10 August 2015

You may have already seen my birthday afternoon tea photo diary a few weeks ago, if not go check it out here. Following that post today I thought I'd bring you another photo diary this time of the beginning of that day and the other main reason for our trip to London - the Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty exhibition at the V&A. 
I had been wanting to see this exhibition for months, plus the head lecturer of my course at uni also said that he didn't want anyone who hadn't seen the exhibition going on to the section year(!!!!!) But I really wanted to see it anyway, so my mum booked tickets and off we went! 
I was completely blown away by the entire exhibition, McQueen was an absolute artist and his work breath taking. Seeing so much of it in one place was beyond incredible! Plus the exhibition had been put together and curated so well, the way everything was presented and how the different rooms reflected the collections and pieces they contained was flawless and mesmerizing.
You're not actually meant to take pictures in the exhibition so I was only able to get a few cheeky snaps, but I thought I'd put them all together anyway along with a few other London pictures from earlier on in the day.        

God bless