A very merry mini Christmas

Sunday, 7 December 2014

As I write this post I'm back at home in Stoke, after finishing my first term at university! Say what? It went by in the blink of an eye, but today I thought I would share something a little different with you guys. 
My uni (NTU) broke up for Christmas about 2 weeks before the majority of other uni's, meaning that my flat wouldn't be together or see each other for the most of December, the same with all our other friends. In the end everything came together and I ended up having the loveliest two day mini Christmas involving; secret santa, fancy dress, Christmas dinner and carol singing. If my Christmas this year consisted of just those two days from my last week at uni then I'm not gonna lie, I'd be pretty dang happy. I had so so sooo much fun, dressing as Holly the Christmas fairy, getting overly excited singing Christmas carols with ma girls, eating a fabulous Christmas meal and giggling to no end with the hilarious presents my flatmates got for each other in secret santa. So with all that I thought I would share some pictures with you guys from my amazing mini Christmas, I can't express how much of a wonderful time those 48 hours were, and I'm now totally in the Christmas spirit.  

God bless