The time of our lives #14

Friday, 6 September 2013

Could someone please explain to me where the last 8 months have gone? How the fudge is it September, and why am I'm back at college now? 
Before I carry on with today's post, I thought I'd let you guys know about some exciting things that're happening over here in Holl JC land. 
Some of you may have noticed a few changes have happened in the last 24 hours, and this is because, a week or so ago I won a competition ran by Melanie from My Billie Designs. (blog, here) The competition was to win one of her stunning pre-made blog templates that could be completely customised to the colours etc, that you wanted. I entered the competition thinking I'd have no chance, but low and behold I got an email from Melanie saying I'd won! 
Hence the changes in blog! I love love love how it looks at the moment, but things aren't 100% finished yet, so please bare-with if a few things look a little bit off for a few days! Once everything is completed I'm thinking about doing a post about it all, so let me know if that's something you'd be interested in reading!   

But back to today's post:
August has zoomed past in the blink of an eye, and today I'm bringing you a peak into the adventures I had through the eyes of my instagram lens! I apologise that this is such a long photo heavy post, but as I was away when I would've done the first half of this post, today I'm covering the whole of August!
If you want to follow me on instagram my user is 'holljc' or you can click the icon to your left!   
Getting myself organised with this Emma Bridgewater planner! I had a rather cute ladybird sitting on my leg!/So many months worth of photographs and memories. Got a funny feeling they won't all fit in my album!/Getting ready for our holiday tomorrow! These are my companions for the flight!/Wearing my new shirt as everything else is packed!/The sunset from the plane...
Found the sea eventually, and caught it with the pretty sunset again too!/ The lovely view from our balcony/Lovely afternoon by the pool/Meet my new friend, Pennie the Parrot!/There was an actual full sized pelican in one of the Cafes we walked past this morning! Never been so shocked/Me with the pink trees, outside the wonderful restaurant we ate at that evening...
By the sea on our last day, with my fish tail plait!/The last purchase of my holiday, picked it up on the plane/Face of the day as my foundation is the wrong colour/At pizza hut for lunch with mum, before we go to the cinema/At the cinema with mum!/Brought a pretty new nail polish...
This months Crafty Creatives box just arrived, such an awesome theme!/My new ring from my holiday matches my new nail polish!/Sky view, the day's outfit!/Definitely jumped on the band waggon with this one!/Hand my ends done, red it is!/This kind of box makes me very happy!
Jewelry making is so much fun! Thank you to Crafty Creatives for providing so many beautiful things!/An action shot of me drinking my tea at the BBQ the evening before!/Nothing better than a whippy ice cream in a waffle cone on a sunny day!/The beautiful cakes we brought! One each and one left over (for me) the pros of being an only child/#wiwt/Nothing like a good cup of tea...
New notebooks are always nice!/Loved spending the day with my best friend Larly, today!/It's official me and my family are going to Walt Disney World Florida next summer!/Today's face/Sunday afternoons are for eating biscuits...

Hope you enjoyed that ladies and gents, and again I apologise for how photo heavy it was!  If you want to follow me and keep up to date with all my antics, or not-so-antics as I'm back at college now, then 'holljc' is the user you're looking for!

What did you get up to over August? What's happened in your life recently? What do you guys think of my new layout/blog design?
Love and cuddles
God bless

Oh, and let me know if any of you would be interested in reading some beauty posts! One of my friends suggested it a few weeks ago, so let me know what you think!