Fields of flowers ...

Monday, 5 August 2013

Outfit -
Playsuit - TK Maxx
Sandals - Monsoon
Sunglasses - Ebay
Bag - Primark

If you've been following my blog for a while, then you'll know that dressing appropriately for things isn't always my forte. Part of me feels like this outfit wasn't exactly your usual festival attire, but let me know what you guys think in the comments! 
Today I bring you the outfit I wore to go to Soul Survivor (SSA), the festival I was still at this time last week! 
It was a really sunny day, and I've ended up with rather amusing tan lines from wearing my sandals! I had a freaking awesome time at Soul Survivor, but more on that in my next post, which will be completely dedicated to the week!
This playsuit is a favourite of mine, as I find denim so easy to wear, and the stitched floral detailing is just beautiful! 
I had to include my new bag in this post too, as it's just awesome! 
I knew I needed a bag to take with me to SSA, as my Zara bag is just too big and expensive, and my satchel wasn't big enough. So I popped into my local primarni a few days before and came out with this beauty! 
The more I had it sitting in my room, the more i realised it looks way way more expensive than it was! It was the perfect size for SSA and was so easy to carry round and chuck everything but the kitchen sink into!
What do you think of my new bag? Do you like it?
Love and cuddles
God bless   
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This is a scheduled post, as I'm currently in Cyprus.