Memories were the best things...

Thursday, 8 August 2013

I apologise for the above picture, but I thought I'd at least better start today's post with a picture of me. Even if it was taken just after I'd woken up, and am looking a little worse for wear without any makeup.

If you follow me on instagram (holljc) or twitter (@Holl_JC) or you've read my last 5 posts, then you'll know that a week or so ago I went to an incredible festival called Soul Survivor!  As promised in my last post, today I'm bringing you a few, shed load of pictures and memories from my time there!

I can't express how much of an incredible 5 days it was! I've made so many insane memories, and all my worrying beforehand was completely unnecessary, as it always is! 

On this blog I've never shied away from the fact that I'm a Christian, and Soul Survivor is a huge collision of a Christian festival and conference. Soul Survivor 2013 was my third year, and for the third year I saw God move in the most incredible and beautiful ways! One of my friends was even healed from a health issue he's had for his whole life! The whole week was just one huge blessing for me, and I couldn't be more thankful for the opportunity! 

I got to spend it with the awesomest group of people, and I'm so blessed that I get to call them my friends! They may be extremely crazy at times, and some of them may be horrendously happy morning people, but they brighten up my life in every way! If you're from England then you'll know that the 5 days we were there (26th-30th July) the weather was totally messed up! One minute it was red hot sunny and 5 minutes later it was torrential rain, and I say that 100% seriously!  As the below picture shows!          

The second night we were there the rain was that bad that the roof of the main meeting room started to leak on to the stage, and onto all the instruments! 

Put it this way health and safety had us leaving rather quickly!

The boys tent got flooded that badly that they had to go to one of their homes that night, as one of them only lives 10/15 minutes from the place we were camping!

After that our rain alert skills were stealthy and with the first drop of rain the chairs were in a small tent and us in the bigger! It's a lot cooler than it sounds! 

The above group picture completely represents the week, and our spirits! We may have been drenched from the rain, but we were still having fun and laughing until our stomachs hurt! 

I now bring you a bucket load of photos from my time, and I'll try and add a few of the memorable moments in too! 

I apologise for the sheer amount of pictures, but they really are completely necessary! Oh, and most of these aren't mine, I've nicked them from my friends.

Oh and please ignore my hair in the majority of these pictures! As when camping in a field you don't have access to hair straighteners or curlers, meaning I had to let my natural hair flow.     
A picture of our little campsite! One gigantic tent, 4 littler ones and a gazebo! Just like home.
Us sorting breakfast on the first morning! There's me wearing my One Tree Hill hoody and Micky Mouse PJ bottoms!
A pretty accurate image of our week. We were that group with one guitar and two ukuleles.
Someone thought it would be a good idea to take a snap of me with a mouth full of food! On the other had check out my friend Lizzie's hair, the end's have been dip dyed blue!

These were on the last night! We'd packed all our stuff up, and were left with two mats and an empty field. So making a, laughing square or pyramid was our only option. Or at least that's what I think it's called!

Some of my favourite girlies!
Me and my best friend Maddie! The theme for the last night was onesie's, last years was 'Where's Wally', boy that was fun!

Our group bar one! I'm so thankful to have these people in my life, they made the week so incredible and hilarious and awesome! Wouldn't have wanted to share the time with a better bunch of crazies!

One of my friends made a video of our week, so go and check that out on her youtube channel and give her loads of likes, and make sure to tell her where you came from too! 

Let me know in the comments if you spot me in the video! I'm in it quite a few times, a lot of which I'm dancing? Go figure! But this video captures just a hint of the magic!

What adventures have you been getting up to recently?

Love and cuddles
God bless

This is a scheduled post, as I'm currently in Cyprus.