A long way off...

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Vest tee
Shorts - Lefties
Sunglasses - Ebay
Sandals - Monsoon
Ring - Camden Market
Bracelet - Ale Hop

I'm Back! I got back from our family holiday in Cyprus a day or two ago, and am now back to business over here on the blog!

I'd like to say welcome to the new followers who've joined us whilst I've been away, and I hope you've enjoyed the scheduled posts!

I have to apologise for this post. When I left for my holiday it was all written up, and scheduled, like my others. However one morning I ended up somehow deleting the entire post! Meaning I spent a very stressed out morning, attempting to get it sorted using an iphone and ipad! Not the easiest of things i can tell you! The post you see isn't what I wanted or intended to go up, but was the best I could do in the circumstances!

Anyway, enough of those ramblings. Today's is the first of a few holiday outfit posts, featuring one of my daytime outfits.

Cyprus was horrendously hot! Whilst we were there it was about 33 Celsius in the shade, and anyone who knows me, knows I don't do well in heat! I just get hot and sweaty and grumpy, but the pool at our apartment complex sorted me out good and proper!

I really like this outfit, as it's so simple yet the floral pattern of the shorts adds a little something extra! I'm not 100% sure where the vest tee is from, but when it comes out the wash, I'll check and update this post! 

What do you think of this outfit? What have you been up to over the last few weeks?

Love and cuddles
God bless