The time of our lives #12

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Boy this year is going freaking fast! 
I always know when we're over half way through the year when my birthday is in sight, and well, it's my birthday TOMORROW! (July 17th) Eeepp! Which means we are well and truly rushing through 2013, next thing we know it'll be the countdown to Christmas! 
The first few weeks of July have been the beginning of my summer holidays, and have seen many a relaxing day and a trip to London! 
Here are the last few weeks through the lens of my instagram, i hope you enjoy. If you want to follow me on instagram my user is 'holljc', you can click the insta icon to the left or here!
Hello July!/Making origami cranes again, so so relaxing/Ootd for the Nottingham Trent uni open day/Nice little fish tail plait/These cupcakes in my cupcake creation book look incredible!/This months Company magazine just arrived!
Nothing like a good old starbucks when the sun comes out!/The roses at Trentham Gardens match the roses on my dress/The cutest ribbon ever!/Yum, yum cupcakes/Sunny days call for relaxing with the sunglasses/Today's sunny afternoon reading!
Sunglasses and fish tail plait/Haribo ice cream lolly/Ready to go!/Me and my little friend meet again!/We have arrived/Me and my first fro-yo snog...
One of my London purchases/These paper straws from Crafty Creatives are so cute/Got my nails done this morning, ready for my birthday...

I hope you liked having a snoop through my instagram pictures! 
Be sure to follow me over there for all the latest goings on in my life (holljc) Or follow me over here on the blog for regular instagram update posts like this one, and much much more! Oh and over the next few days I'll  be doing posts about all the happenings to do with my birthday! So keep your eyes peeled for those, or follow me on bloglovin or gfc to keep up to date with every post that goes up! 
What have you been up to these last few weeks? Have you had any adventures?
Love and cuddles
God bless 
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