Remember this moment

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Hey you! 
Hope you're doing good, and this weather isn't getting you down too much! 
Today i (finally) bring you my 100 follower (now 120 follower) giveaway! I'm sorry it's so late; but revision, exams and then our family 'break' kinda got in the way!
But today is finally the day! 
I'm running this giveaway simply to say a huge thank you to all of you lovely people who; follow, read and comment on my blog! Whether you've been here from the start, or for just a few short weeks or days. It really does mean the world to me, and I just can't express how grateful I am. I really can't believe how quickly my little corner of the internet has grown, and the fact that it's not even 1 year old astounds me too. And that is down to all of you readers, who continually read and comment on my blog! It really is just a huge huge blessing!
Oh, and I also need to say a huge thank you to the Big G, or God, because this is just another of his blessings on my little life, and I'm so grateful!
So to try and express just a teeny weeny bit of my thankfulness to you guys, I'm running a giveaway! 
There are two parts/pieces/prizes, both of which are pictured below! 
The first of these is the gorgeous gold 'XO' necklace, for anyone who's interested the chain is 22 inches! The second is a cute pink leather giraffe keyring!  
(For any of you Gossip Girl fans out there, every time I see the necklace all I can think of is the opening and closing to Gossip Girl!)

To enter the giveaway, simply follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter widget below! In the end I decided to use rafflecopter, as it's so simple and easy, and means no fuss either! 
The Giveaway starts right now, and ends on Sunday 9th June, giving you just over 10 days to enter! You must be a follower of 'Holl JC', and if you're under 16 please check with your p/g that you can enter. Just so, that if you do win, it's okay for you to give me your address!
Good luck everyone, and again thank you all so much for choosing to follow my blog! It's such a blessing, and such a humbling thought to know that people actually read, enjoy and like what I post, so thank you! 

(A small disclaimer, the necklace is from Shop Dixi, however this giveaway is in no way associated with them. I paid for the necklace with my own money, and they are not affiliated with this giveaway!)   
Again, a huge thank you and good luck! And I hope you all have great ends to your weeks! 
Love and cuddles
God bless
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Oh and PS, remember to follow me over on bloglovin, here. So that when/if we lose GFC, you can still follow everything happening over here! x