Where I belong, this is home...

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Hey beautiful people!
Hope you're doing goooooood! I'm sending you love from a sunnier place! (than England anyway)
Today I'm giving you a sneak peek into the crazy world of a 'Group' holiday. 'Group' is the name of my 50+ strong youth group. But in really it's so, so much more than that! It's a huge crazy family, and I'm so blessed and thankful to be a part of it!
Twice a year we go away, in the Easter and October holidays; and this Easter was no different! And that's where I was last week, or Monday to Friday anyway.
After having a bit of a stalk on facebook I've figured out that this holiday was my 10th group holiday, these cover the last 6 years of my life! Wow, that's a long time! But honestly I wouldn't change anything! 
One of my favourite quotes says;
'Where you feel good, there is your home'
And with/at 'Group' I feel way beyond good! Good would be a pretty freaking huge understatement! I feel loved, and important, giggly and girly, valued and special, crazy and mischievous; but most importantly I feel like belong!
Anyway, enough of my feels and emotional rambling! I had a pretty freaking epic time last week, coming home was so weird as it was so so quiet! There was no noise! Oh and no singing or music! For some reason at 'Group' we all like to sing, now most of us can't sing, but hell, we do it anyway and we have fun! Then there's the music side of that, and we have some pretty talented musicians too! When some of the guys play guitar it's just utterly beautiful! Dang, I wish I could play an instrument! Anyhow, going from all this noise, excitement and music, to my quiet house was rather odd! Not to mention the fact that I've gone from having nearly 50 people around, to 2!
I really can't begin to describe how awesome a week I've had, and how much I've enjoyed myself! It's brought me closer to my friends and to God; which really is the two most important things! 
So here's a sneak peak into our week, however these pictures don't even begin to show the crazy goings on! One of which nearly started world war three, when the girls stole a mini scooter of one of the boys; so they stole our wellies and put them on the roof and in a fridge! Trust me it was as nuts as it sounds! 
Love these girls!
Our awesome room! We were Ariel! 
It didn't take long for us to correct our names! 

When we stole and then decorated the scooter!
Room picture! This makes me giggle, just looking at it, thinking about the funny things that happened!

Up the hill in the evening!
One evening we did a big girlie activity, which I helped to plan! Everyone had a jar, which you then decorated, and throughout the week everyone else would fill with compliments and lovely things they'd noticed about you! You could then take your jar full of wonderful things home and whenever you feel like crap you can read them all and feel better!
All our jars mid week! They all look so pretty!
Clearly me and Beth found something very funny!

Me and one of my best friends Maddie, before one of the activities!

I love this one!
Love my best friends!

So there you have it lady's and gents, just a glimpse at the epic week I had! 
Love and cuddles
God bless
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