Double trouble...

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Hey there wonderful ones!
Hope you're doing well! 
Today we're back to one of my favourite yet most scarce posts (don't ask me how that works) 
My style crush post! My last one was of the beautiful Miss Taylor Swift (post here) but today as the post title suggests the 'crush' isn't just one person, but two!
Looking back, I guess this duo were probably my very first 'girl crush', because if you were raised in the late nineties, early noughties and were anything like me, then you were probably obsessed with these girls! They were EVERYWHERE, and did it all! 
TV, films, dolls, clothes, perfume, everything!
But it was their films that really captured my attention, they were absolutely brilliant and followed the characters they played all over the globe. But their fashion really stood out, and still does! Whether they were playing a character or just being them, they always look incredible! And are huge style icons, both then and now! As 10/11 year olds and now as 26 year olds (thanks Wikipedia)
If you haven't already guessed from my fangirlish ramblings or the picture above, the extremely awesome and fashionable duo i'm talking about are;
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, or MK&A as I liked to call them when I was younger! (I thought I was so cool)
Fashspiration really is the word with these girls, and their films just remind me of my childhood. Because, well, they kind of were! From Switching goals and Billboard dad to Winning London and Holiday in the Sun to New York minute and everything in between! My childhood was completely littered with their films! And they're not out of the film game yet, MK was in a recent retelling of Beauty and the Beast, 'Beastly', as Kendra; Beastly's equivalent of a witch! A very well dressed witch, i have to say.
Anyway that really is enough of my fangirly ramblings! So take a look at some of my favourite Olsen Twin Outfits, looks and films!  

What do you think of Mary Kate and Ashley's style? Did you grow up watching their films? Are they style or girl crushes of yours?
Love and cuddles
God bless
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P.S. None of these images are mine, they're all from tumblr, pinterest or google images!