I'm gonna call it home...

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Outfit - 
Shirt - Dorothy Perkins
Jumper - Topshop
Jeans - Topshop

Hey there everyone!
Hope you're doing good!
As you might have gathered from my last three(ish) posts, from Monday to Friday I was away with 'Group' in Wales! I had such an epic time, but more on that in a few days! 
This was an outfit i wore on one of our first days away, and i kinda liked it! It was so comfy, yet so me! 
I also found the perfect spot to take these pictures, i then left my camera and tripod in the big bay windows; which led to me having some of the most hilarious pictures&videos on my camera! I really do know some pretty freaking awesome people!
But anyway, I'm gonna love you and leave you! 
Love and cuddles
God bless
See you on Saturday
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