Summer days drifting away

Friday, 2 September 2016

August kinda happened, and I hardly noticed. I'm not too sure if it's been a really long month, or a really quick month, different days I'd give a different response I think.  
This month started off with me thinking I'd have a whole month ahead of me with nothing on the cards, and ended with me in an office in Wembley interning for an international brand. Oh, how quickly things can change! 
Overall it was a good month, and one that was mainly focused on my career and future (rather than fun), as I spent pretty much alllll of it interning, but hey ho, that's what summers are about when you're a fashion student, right? 
As always here's my Instagram diary of all the happenings of the last 4 weeks. If you fancy following my day to day adventures, my user name is @holljc. I'ma be heading back to uni in the next few weeks, so there'll be lots of snaps of all of those unayy goings on I'm sure! 
Tea and cake, the perfect combination for a gloomy Monday /  What I'd do to be back by the sea, with sand between my toes, the wind in my hair and a cocktail in hand /  Yesterdays trip to the The Pudding Pantry definitely ended up being 'an eyes bigger than my stomach' moment /  When you're trying to hold on to the last bits of summer on a very grey and gloomy day. Its a good job I've never claimed to be good at dressing weather appropriate /  PJ's, tea and a good book! The perfect combination. Becoming by Laura Jane Williams is a book that is so unbelievably yet wonderfully honest and raw. The parts of this book that I have connected with have touched my heart in ways I wasn't sure a book or words could. Laura, some of your words have been magic to my soul and I'm so grateful to have picked your fabulous yet real book up! To anyone feeling at all lost, confused or lonely consider picking Becoming up it may just help you along a little, as it has done me / /  
I'm off to Hogwarts! Bye muggles /  When the sunset looks like this /  Todays new blog post is a photo diary from my very sunny afternoon strawberry picking last month /  Books, the sun and the biggest piece of cake ever ever ever /  Gods Own Junkyard Where neon lights go to retire / / 
Some inspiration for this Monday morning /  So this warm weather's nice and all, but I miss my long sleeves and layers /  #Internlife week 2 finished! Now for the weekend and a much anticipated lie in /  It may be rather cold and windy atm, but todays new blog post features a very summery lil' outfit / When in London, right? /  A new print ready for my new room  
Yesterday was just /  A photo diary of our magical day at the Harry Potter Studio Tour went up on the blog this morning! /  Ready for this years #GBBO Unfortunately i'm not eating any of these cakes right now, but a girl can dream, right?! /  Practically lived in this playsuit this summer! Absolutely loving the colour /  Who knew red velvet pancakes were even a thing? / / 
/  Motivational bathroom mirrors / /  I've got that joy joy joy joy - cause I get a lie in tomorrow /  Positive vibes from my fave @topshop tshirt in todays new blog post /  This would be perfect right about now  

And there we have it, August wrapped up and finished! Another month of 2016 over. 
I'm very very much looking forward to catching up on much needed sleep in September (getting up at 6:30 every day for a month ain't so fun) although the beginning of dissertation prep isn't filling me with as much excitement! 

God Bless