Summer Lovin'

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

July kinda felt like the first proper month of summer, it was filled with adventures, smiles and as usual lots and lots of good food. I went on holiday to Paris, to a festival with friends, took my mum on a surprise trip to London for her birthday and turned 20. July 2016 was a pretty big, and pretty busy old month! I'm pleased to say that it was actually pretty great! So as usual here's a look back on all the moments and memories that my Instagram feed captured throughout the past month.
My plans for August have sorta been flipped on their head due to a cancelled internship and holiday, so if you want to see what I actually end up doing with the month then head over to instaland and follow me over there, my user name is @holljc 
The Italian sunshine would be much preferred to pouring it down England right about now /  Bringing a bit more positivity to the day /  Unicorn balloon goals right there /  Caring is sharing & sharing is caring /  Why hello there London /  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory afternoon tea for mums 50th
Girls day in London /  Yesterdays cocktail o'clock was just fabaroonie / /  Today's new blog post is a photo diary from my time in beautiful Sorrento, Italy /  Why hello Parieeee /  Exploring Paris, one photograph at a time 
We found the Eiffel Tower! /  Cause you can't go to Paris and not get a selfie with the Eiffel Tower / /  When you stumble upon parks and greenhouses in the middle of a city centre /  All the Paris, all the art /  When you stumble upon a reflective building the only sensible thing todo is take selfies in it 
/  Think I would much rather stay here than go back to smelly England /  300 DSLR pictures later, the last few days in Paris were the dream /  Smiles, smiles and more smiles / / / 

I may not be a teenager anymore, but i'm still a big kid at heart /  Strawberry picking in the sun /  Would absolutely love some Bob's kitchen blueberry pancakes right about now /  Mr sun is definitely out today /  DAY MADE! /  Today's new blog post is a round up reflection type post all about my second year at uni. In true Holly style it's a rather rambly and very mushy look back on the last year and everything it held
  Fisheye lens' and all the laughter and exploring. I miss Paris /  I've actually been looking like a girl as of late, who knew that was possible eyy? /  Mac n Cheese pizza and so much more? Klay Pizzeria are killing it! /  My final Italy blog post has gone live this morning featuring this gorgeous ASOS dress /  Tents as far as the eye can see. Good Morning Momentum /  5 minutes in and of course we had to crack the fish eye lenses out
This mornings new blog post is a photo diary of our adventures in Paris /  Dominoes in a field? This is how to end a festival /  Tired and bedraggled but still smiling /  Always! /  My fave Alexa Chung x M&S blouse is back on the blog in all its pink glory today /  Now that is what a pudding looks like  
When you're taking selfies in a weirdly reflective camper van and your mum very unexpectedly photobombs /  Bomber jackets at the ready, does this mean its autumn now? / /  Getting lost amongst the plants  

God bless