Blogging Birthday Giveaway

Thursday, 1 October 2015

This day a month a go, September 1st, I'd been blogging for 3 whole years!
In honor of this and to say a massive thank you to all you beauties who read, comment and appreciate my blog, whether for a month or since the beginning, I am running a little giveaway!
I've gathered some fab bits that are up for grabs for you to win!

The prizes are;
- Matching Skinnydip London pink purse & iPhone 6 case
- £5 Lush gift voucher
- Skinnydip London Starburst Clutch
- 2 Mini Fashion Icon Notebooks

Again a massive thank you for all your love and continued support towards this little corner of the internet over the last 3 years!
To enter the giveaway follow the easy steps in the rafflecopter form below, and a huge good luck to any of you who do enter! There's multiple different ways you can enter the giveaway, so follow it past the mandatory steps for more chances to win!

God bless