No Tomorrow

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

This weekend I got to hang out and chill at a pretty new, but sooo fun (no camping) festival called No Tomorrow. It's held at Wollaton Park, otherwise known as Wayne Manor from the Batman films, in Nottingham and this year was over two days instead of one like last year. It's such a chill festival, our little group could not believe just how laid back and civilised it was. Plus the weather was nothing short of perfect, especially on the second day when the wind died down and it was simply glorious sunshine!
The line up was so sooo good too! An amazing mix of indie acoustic rock(ish) artists, DJ's and other house/club acts! James Bay was one of the headliners so I was gonna be there no matter what, and then John Newman, DJ Fresh and Blonde were some of my other favourites too! I took loads and loads of photos throughout the weekend, so thought I'd pop them all together in a little photo diary post for you guys! I kinda want todo more of these as the summer goes on, as they're a great way for me to be able to document what I'm up to and the adventures that I have!    

God bless