The time of our lives

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Well, goodbye April and hello May. 
For the first time this year, a month hasn't felt like it's gone by in the blink of an eye. Like every month April has had it's ups and downs, but for the first time this year I can 100% say that the ups have totally and completely overshadowed the downs, and April has definitely been the best month of the year so far, although it really didn't have much competition.
April was full of wonderful memories, oh and by the looks of things, yummy food. So here's my instagram accounts view of April and all the little and large things that happened. If you want to follow me my user is 'holljc' or you can click the insta icon to the left. Oh, and any related posts will be linked too.    
-Such a fun evening with some of my favourites. Cheered me up and made my week better too
-#latergram You can't go to Pizza Hut and not have Cookie Dough
-It defo wasn't at the amazingness levels of the books but Divergent wasn't half bad
-Wagamama is just so darn scrummy
-#Latergram Cheeky #ootd selfie in UO - Post, here
-#ootd - Post, here
-My new UO sale blazer came! 
-On the way to Cefn Lea with my fave 
-These are some of the craziest, funniest, kindest, lovelies I know. So thankful that I got to spend the last few days creating magic with them.
-I may have gotten extremely windswept, made to walk up a huge hill and gotten caught up in the middle of multiple water fights, but I wouldn't change our time at Cefn Lea for the world. My huge ass group family really are just the best.
-Defo got the #cefnleablues, love these girls alota lot
-#ootd - Post, here 
-The Sales really do hold some gems
-Dominoes is even better when it's mums idea
-Such a perfect day - Post, here
-Oooooopsy #instahaul
-I couldn't go to Ikea and not have meatballs
-This crazy hilarious snap happened the day before, only those lovelies make English lessons bearable

Well there you have it, a nice little instagram round up of the month that was April. Remember to follow me (holljc) if you want to see some of my daily/weekly adventures or just the boring little stuff I think would be cool to post on my account.

God bless