Tough cookie

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Baking at the weekends is becoming rather a regular event in our house, even if it is a little annoying for my dad (who's trying to lose weight). This week I'd been flicking through one of my mums cook books and ended up stealing a few of her sticky labels (the yellow and circle ones) to mark of recipes that I wanted to try. And on Saturday it was the turn of the, 'classic choc chip cookies'.
So today I thought I'd show you guys how I made these delicious looking treats (with a lot more info/help than my last recipe post)
Oh and these cookies aren't in anyway tough, just in case the post title is misleading! 
You will need:
175g Self-raising flour
A pinch of salt
A good pinch of bicarbonate of soda
115g unsalted butter, very soft
60g caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon real vanilla extract
60g light muscovado sugar
1 large egg, lightly beaten
175g plain chocolate chunks or chips
(optional) 75g walnut or peacan pieces

Makes 24

Step 1 - Preheat the oven to 190C (375F) or Gas 5  
Step 2 - Put all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon

Step 3 - Drop heaped teaspoons of the mixture onto several greased baking trays, making sure they're well apart
Step 4 - Bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes until lightly coloured and just firm. Let cool on the trays for a minute, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. 

Hopefully that was simple and easy for you all to follow, these are so so yummy! Although I think we left one of the trays in a little too long, but never mind! They still tasted good!

Love and cuddles
God bless