Chocolately gooey goodness..

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Those of you who follow me in insta land (holljc) may have seen these beauties a few days ago; and after multiple requests, I'm doing a post on them right here on the blog!

What are they I hear most of you ask?
Nutella Oreo Brownies!
Yeah you did read that right, Nutella Oreo Brownies; and today I'm gonna share with you guys the mega easy recipe I used to make them (there's only 4 ingredients)!
I originally saw the idea On Gemma's blog (post here) and pretty much just used her recipe, I did have to amend it a little; but that's baking I guess!

What you need: 
Oreos (I used a packet and a half)
Nutella (Mine was a 400g tub)
Flour (15 tablespoons)
Eggs (2/3)

What to do:

Step 1- Line the bottom of your brownie pan/container/what ever you're cooking the brownies in with the Oreo's.
Oh, and at this point preheat your oven to 180 degrees C too.
Step 2 - It was at this point I took the baking into my own hands and edited Gemma's recipe a little, however this was only because of the size of the above container (lets just call it that) 
Gemma's recipe said to use, 200g's of Nutella, 10 tablespoons of flour and 2 eggs. But as my container was an odd size I used, 300g(ish) of Nutella, 15 tablespoons of flour and 3 eggs; then put it all into a bowl. I used an electric whisk to mix all the ingredients together, but do whatever is easiest for you. 
When it comes to the ingredient amounts for this part, use your logic; start with 2 eggs, 10 tablespoons of flour etc, as you can always make more if needed!   

Step 3 - Once it's all mixed together pour it over the Oreo's so they're all evenly covered! And pop in the oven for 20-30 mins depending on how you like your brownies (I put them in for 25, but will do them for less next time) At 180 degrees C in a preheated oven. 
Step 4 - Once they're done, take them out and leave to cool. Once cooled, slice up and take out of their container. I also sprinkled mine with icing sugar! 
And that's it as easy as, errr, brownies? 4 ingredients, and they don't take too long, you just need a little bit of logic when it comes to the amount of ingredients. According to my friends they're really yummy too?
Let me know if you make them, next time I'm thinking about adding white chocolate chips!

Oh, and I'm also really sorry for my MIA-ness over the past week, and am apologising in advance if it continues for most of next week! I do three coursework subjects at college, and I have 3 deadlines next week, so things are a little tight at the moment. But do bare with, after next Thursday things should get back to some form of blogging normality. 

Love and cuddles
God bless