You're back from outer space..

Monday, 11 November 2013

If you've been reading my blog for a while, then you may of heard me talk about Group before! Well the bunch of beautiful people crazies in the above picture is, it/them/us, well, that's Group anyway! Or some of us, the 50 (I'm rounding up) of us that went away the weekend before last! 
We spent an amazing weekend together; sharing, laughing, singing, videoing, worshiping, making, climbing, praying, chatting, sleeping or not sleeping in my case, and so so much more! It really is beyond words what we get up to and experience on these holidays! And it's kinda shocking to think that this was my 12th, yeah you did read that right, 12th holiday away with Group! 2 holidays a year, for 6 years! It's a blooming long time, whilst away we said our final goodbyes to one of the leaders who'd been with us for 14 years! That's  28 holidays! At times it really does feel like we're on a completely different planet whilst away, and when we come back, we're coming back from outer space.
Group is a place, a family, a group of people that once you join or arrive, changes your life forever and in doing so changes you forever! Trust me on that one, I know! Group is a place that holds some of my greatest and most amazing friends, and a place I know I'll always have someone to make me smile, our boys and their insane antics will always guarantee you of that! 
Now I'll leave you with just a few of the pictures from our pretty insane holiday away; and also links to two videos that my friends made! So make sure you check them out, and go and give them some love over on youtube, tell them who sent you and see if you can spot me!  

And I shall leave you with this picture! It really does make me giggle! 

Love and cuddles
God bless