Day by day...

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Outfit - 
T-shirt - River Island
Skirt - Topshop
Shoes - Topshop
Sunglasses - Ebay
Rings - Pia, Ale hop

Typical Daily Routine:
1.Wake up
2.Drink tea
3.Get back to bed

I wish! That really does sound perfect, but is rather far from what actually happens! 
The first time i saw this tee it just made me smile! And was so perfect for me, drinking tea is a key part of my day! As soon as I saw this tee I knew I wanted it to be mine, and clearly it now is, as my Nan got it for me for my birthday! 
The bright pink colour isn't something i'd usually go for, but adding a bit of bold colour to my pastel/monochrome wardrobe can't be a bad thing! And when I wore it a few days before these pictures were taken, my friend said she thought the colour really suited me! So it can't be all bad!
Oh and btw, my skirt wasn't really dirty! The little grey marks you can see in some of the pictures are just the way the light was shining on my skirt! Thought I'd just clear that up!  
Do you like this tee? Do you like drinking tea? What do you think of the bold pink colour? 
Love and cuddles
God bless 
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This is a scheduled post, as I'm currently at Soul Survivor!