The time of our lives #9

Monday, 3 June 2013

Hey beautiful ones! 
Hope your weeks have started well, and you had lovely weekends!
Today I bring you the second half of my May Insta updates! 
I genuinely can't believe that we're now half way through the year, like flipping heck! Where has all that time gone! 
The second half of May, saw me finish my exams, go on holiday and much more! 
So here's the tail end of my May through my instagram lens, enjoy! Oh and if you've got instagram remember to follow me, 'holljc' is my user name. Or you can click the insta icon to your left or here
Doing annoying English revision/I found Nemo! From a pretty freaking awesome night at Group/Cookie's are yum yum yum/OOTD for a friend's birthday bbq/Love these girls, at the bbq/Tea in my little mermaid mug...
Love wearing my Ale Hop ring/Love this picture of me and my best friend Maddie from the fancy dress party/Group picture at the fancy dress party including some of my favourite people ever/Revision for my final exam/One of my favourite Graze pots, so so yummy/Finished all my AS exams! Woop...  
Using all my old Vogues as a laptop rest/Listening to Disney on my crafty day/This is what over 5 years of hoarded magazines looks like (photo doesn't do it justice)/I spent the afternoon making an origami bird mobile using the dowels from one of the Crafty Creatives kits!/This months Nylon had just arrived, featuring Avril!/Love my new Shop Dixi ring...
Ootd for our family 'break' (I wasn't allowed to call it a holiday)/Beautiful day in Stratford/The Cotswolds really is a very pretty place/Me in the sun/A toilet and Costa stop on the way home/Me in the Cotswolds next to some pretty flowers on a pretty house...
My Graze box arrived/Love my new magnet from our holiday, quoting Midsummer Nights Dream/So so yummy!/Found one of my old beanies in the back of one of my draws/Wrapping my mums birthday presents/This months company arrived...
Putting my new colourful alphabet letter magnets in my Honeydukes jar from the Harry Potter studio tour/This picture makes me happy, love all my crazy friends/Starbucks at the Bullring/Nandos for the first time/Mine and my mum's first Bubble teas, they won't be the last!/Nice little ootd!

So there you have it, everything that happened in the second half of my May, according to my instagram feed! So remember to follow me, 'holljc' if you want to keep up to date with all my little adventures. I've also added a mini live feed to the side bar, so you can check what's going on over there too! 
Oh, and whether you're a follower new or old, remember to enter my giveaway! It ends on Saturday, so you've got lots of time left! All you have to do is click the icon to the left (or here) and fill out the rafflecopter form.
I'd just like to reiterate what I said in my last post, I'm doing work experience for the week, today was my first day, so I'm not gonna have as much time to blog. So if you're thinking it's a little quiet over here, that's why!
Have you got instagram? Do you like these kind of posts? Have you entered my giveaway yet? 
Love and cuddles
God bless 
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