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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Outfit -
Dress - Topshop
Necklace - Christmas present
Bracelet - Ale Hop

A few days ago, was one of those days when the weather is being so so annoying! It was really warm, humid and sticky yet looked like it was about to chuck it down at any moment. Which meant it was rather hard to figure out what to wear, as dressing for this type of weather really isn't my speciality! Or doing anything in that type of weather really, I just can't hack it! 
I'm more of a spring/autumn girl, and severe heat just makes me all sticky and grouchy! But never mind!   
In the end I decided on this dress from topshop, which I've seemingly had for about the last 3 or maybe even 4 years. (Don't know how it's lasted so long) The friend who I spent the afternoon with said that she really liked it, and so did my nan(?) 
I love the pattern, as it's so so pretty and the little dashes of baby pink give it such a lovely feel too! 
Do you like my dress? Have you got any items of clothing that you seem to have had for years? What's your favourite type of weather or season?
Love and cuddles
God bless
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