Outfit -
Dress - Topshop
Shoes - Topshop
Hey ladies and gents!
Today we're taking a little break from the holiday pictures/outfits as I thought I'd show you what I wore for a wedding I went to today. It was my dad's friends daughter who got married, I know that seems like a really tenuous link but trust me it's not! If you went to my church you'd understand! It was a lovely wedding, and me and my best friend Lauren sat giving each other approving looks and glances at different points through out it. Although from seeing weddings on tv I'm sure Christian weddings are like way way longer than your average weddings; or maybe that's just the ones at my church. There just seems to be way more stuff in them. I don't know, anyway.
This was my outfit/dress for the occasion, because if you can't dress up for a wedding then when can you? I got this dress before Christmas as one of my two options for the 'Group' Christmas party, post here. That post has the dress I actually wore for the party. But when I went shopping I couldn't make my mind up between the two, so in the end got both. And decided to keep this one as I thought I'd be able to wear it another time.
And four months later it finally got to come out of hiding the back of my wardrobe. And I actually really like it! I think it's such a flattering shape and was so comfortable to wear. I also really like the pattern and dark emerald green colour, as it's not a colour I'd usually wear.
What do you think of my dress? Would you wear it? Have you been to a wedding recently?
Love and cuddles
God bless

PS. Oh and I apologise that you can see some of our weelie bins in these pictures. It was a nightmare trying to get pictures today, because of the sun and shape of our yard. They're not good friends!