The time of our lives #6

Monday, 1 April 2013

Hey wonderful people!
Hope you're awesome, and had a great weekend!
I can't believe it's April 1st already, how are we 4 months in to 2013? Where has all this time gone? With it being the 1st of a month, today I bring the second half of my March insta updates!
If you want to keep up to date with everything that's happening in my little instagram world, then you can either click the instagram logo to the left, click here or my user name thing is 'holljc'!
So here are all the things I got up to, in the second half of March!
I made rainbow cakes, and they actually worked!/All the cakes I made/sparkly nails/The fish we brought for 'The Hunt', post, here explains!/One of the best graze boxes I've had!/Love this quote, it's so utterly me & true! 
  I found Maoam's at home!/Ready to go out/Another prospectus, another option/Ultimate Pj day/Listening to Disney/I made cakes with creme eggs in the middle, and they actually worked! (post coming soon)
Red nails for Gryffindor!/Woke up to Narnia/Love this/Borrowing my mum's Fun CD for the journey to Watford/My traveling companion/A quick costa and loo break
We'd arrived at the HP studio tour, eeep! SO So exited!/Me wearing my orange Circle HP address tee!/Chocolate frog/Chocolate frog card with Dumbledore on it!/1 year anniversary HP studio tour badge!/My very long to do list!
Milk and chocolate cake, perfect!/Me and my new best friend/New book/Love this, and it's so so true/The new graze brownie is AMAZING!/Throwback Thursday, so exited for Cefn Lea!
Throwback Thursday, in less than a week I'll be back in the Sun/The new issue of Nylon was waiting for me when I got home!/Maoam's for Cefn Lea/Had my hair dip dyed again!/I love Rimmel, new purple nails/New sunglasses, i guess this is my wishful thinking!
Me, ready for my friends murder mystery party/my characters name/CAKE/Honeydukes instead of an Easter egg/Me and two of my friends at the party on Saturday!

So there you have it beautiful people! Hope you enjoyed that! To keep up to date with everything that's going on, my instagram name is 'holljc' or you could follow my little ol' blog and twice a month I post all the things that have been happening over on instagram!
Hope you all have lovely weeks, I'll see you Friday! But I've got some awesome posts scheduled over the week, so keep your eyes peeled for those! 
Love and cuddles
God bless
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