I know you have to work out there

Monday, 25 May 2015

Sunglasses - Zara  Coat - Primark
Jeans - Topshop  Bag - Zara
Boots - Office  Jumper - Topshop 

Apologies that my posting has been very slow over the last month or so, I'm into my final few weeks of my first year at uni (!!!!!)  and deadlines and work is taking up alot of my time, so posting and blogging has slowly been dropping to the bottom of my priorities list. But I'm hoping that once I finish uni for the summer that I'll be able regain some of my blogging momentum, motivation and passion and really dive feet first back into it, hopefully posting 3 times (ish) a week like I used to. That's the dream anyway, so we'll see.

God bless