The Edit

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Buying coats and jackets is often a very big, very annoying and sometimes very expensive job, with many many many high street shops charging well over £70 or £80 a coat, especially in the colder months. But over the last few years I've noticed a bit of a cheat to not having to spend extortionate prices. And that cheat is Primark!
Now I know some people don't like to shop in Primark for various reasons, but sometimes it really does come out with absolute gems, especially in the coat and jacket area, you just have to keep your eyes peeled and not give up if you don't find something first time.
As a result of this over the last year or so, I seem to have gathered a rather large collection of coats and jackets from Primarni; and today I thought I would show them to you guys. Just to prove that we don't need to be spending silly amounts of money every season or with every new trend. Now I agree, sometimes you do need to splash out on a good quality coat that will last a good few years, however when the high street and fashion in general are so trend driven, you don't want to spend a huge amount on a coat that you might not like or don't feel suits you a few years or even months down the line. So again this is where Primarni comes in, as you can get those more trend focused pieces without having to worry as much you may not wear them in the future, because the prices are so much less.
So here's my edit of my Primark coats and jackets, all of them were below £30 and I have hugeee love for all of them, and so does my student bank balance!

God bless