
Saturday, 19 April 2014

If you read my last post then you'll know that I spent the majority of this week away in Wales with some of my favourite people, but whilst there I didn't forget about my little corner of the interweb and you guys. Managing to somehow fit my tripod in my already full suitcase, I got a few pics of some of the outfits I wore whilst there. 
Going away with a bunch of 13-23 year olds meant it was a little difficult to get outfit photos that didn't have someone photo bombing them (hence why some of these are rather blooper worthy), so I decided to combine the two outfits I got pictures of into one bumper post featuring them both, instead of two rather small posts. 
Let me know which of the two is your favourite!     

Outfit 1 -
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tee - Primark     Skirt - New Look
Boots - Primark    Lips - Revlon - Macaroon
Outfit 2 - 
Tshirt - Topshop Sale     Jeans - M&S
Ring - Camden Market 

God bless