The Edit #3

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Inspired by one of Megan Ellaby's recent YouTube videos (here) Today's post brings back one of my old favourite type of blog posts; The Edit! 
For those of you who maybe haven't been following or reading for a long time, The Edit is a post where I bring together a selection of outfit posts based around a certain theme. In the past I've done posts surrounding Coats and Stripes, and they both went down really well! 
So, as I said, this post is inspired by one of Megan's newest YouTube videos all about statement tshirts, so today's The Edit post is all about statement tees and how I wear them.
I've never been about too much faff or fuss with my outfits, and I think that is definitely reflected in this post, but I really do love a good statement tee and seem to be living in them at the moment!   

God Bless