Everybody look to the left, everybody look to the right

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

February was a funny ol' month, and to be honest I really cannot remember the beginning of it. That probably has something to do with the fact that it feels like a very very long time ago. 
The first couple of weeks of the month were my independent study leave, some of which was spent at home and other parts were spent having a staycation in Notts. During February I went away for the weekend, laughed lots, spent time with great people, ate more fantastic food, and despite the fact that parts of the month have been rather exhausting - it's been great. 
Here's a quick look back at my month of February, via all the pictures I posted on Instagram. My user name is @holljc if you like what you see and fancy following me!   
Lunch dates with Laura at Annies Burger Shack are the one! /  Happy Birthday to the legend that is my dad! You're kind, loving, supportive, encouraging, have become pretty flipping good at photobombing, want the best for all, push me to reach for the stars and champion me and those around you whole heartedly. Thank you for being the best, see you soon! /  Cocktails in jam jars? Yes please! /  Aww thanks @Filthys! You're a rather lovely, good egg /  /  #lightnightnotts 

"If we ever start a band this would be the album art" #lofiphotography /  "You're the best" "No, you're the best" 💘 Galentines day was absolutely fantabulous! Killer thai street food from Zaap paired with shoulder bogeying, cocktails, friendship bracelets and girlie pastels & glitter for daiss from the amazing Fan Club Notts and of course all with the bae that is Laura! /  Now those were some dreamy looking meringues /  Cause who doesn't love a tea break?  /  Why pay all the £££££ for Emma Bridgewater when the seconds are just as perfect! /  Dreaming of the Breakfast Club pancakes I had in the summer! Such a shame I don't live in London atm, cause these would go down a treat! 

I know these are from forever ago but I still can't get over how perfect these ASOS dinosaur slippers are! /  Think this has become my favourite tshirt! So much loveeee /  Now that is one beautiful coat! /  Trent Tribe on the move! Sorry Laura & Dan, this is the best of a bad bunch and you happened to not be in it! #tvstdnts /  Here's the 'cute' version of our small group fam picture (missing Ben & Jim) This weekend was such a fabulous, crazy and fun time, and I got to spend it with some of the best people I know! (I'll stop being soppy now) / Lets just pretend I'm not spending all day in my pj's  

Today's blog post is a photo diary of my week in the very very chilly, but awesome Berlin /   The haters gonna hate, hate, hate. I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake,shake, shake /  Sending positive vibes this Friday morning. Cause yano, hospital appointments are all the fun /  The Ark pink bomber jacket of dreams is finally up on the blog today! /  Wish I was exploring this most magical place rather than stuck here in cold, rainy England /  The Shrimps presentation is what pink, girlie dreams are made of 
Cause doughnut day Wednesdays are the best way to start the day! /  Soooooo pretty /  I'm ready for spring now! Cause yanno, spring time outfits and no need for coats is my favourite /  We tried to be high fashion, we tried to be nonchalant, we tried to be serious /  Love my friends, this uni family of mine is just the best /  My fierce friendships are the best, and a total blessing /  Far too pretty, gonna have a house like this one day (fingers crossed)  

So that was February 2016, done and gone. Here's to March, a month that I hope will be alot more relaxing and chilled, and a little less emotional but a month I also hope will be filled with just as much fun and friends and fantasticness! 

God bless