Something special #3

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Hey all! 
You might have guessed from the title, or the picture above that today's post is on my most recent crafty creatives box, which arrived some point last week. 
And honestly I was kinda exited when I opened it. As, although it's a bit of an odd theme, that is rather marmite like, it has some of the most awesome things inside it! And I really can't wait for the months after May, when all my exams will be over and I can spend all my time attempting to create lovely little things! (attempting being the key word there)
The theme of this months box is.... 'Steampunk'! 

This is the absolutely stunning art card designed by Britta van den Boom, on the back of which it tells you everything inside the little ol' CC box; 
- The crafy creatives kit - Every box has one and this month it's a trinket box to decoupage in steampunk style. It gives you the opportunity to try something new!
3m of brown leather cord - I really like this, and think I might use it for a bracelet!
-Pipe spacer beads
Bottle of crackle glaze - this sounds awesome!
- Metallic transfer foils
- Bundle of leather scraps
- Reel of wire
- Bulb and clock charms - love love love these, could possibly be my favourite item in the box!
- Lock and key clasps - Again, I love these, another of my favourites!
- Watch parts
- Brown tweed fabric with metallic copper twist
That's everything that's in this months box, and here are a few of my favourite items!

The cute and pretty and amazing bulb and clock charms!
The wire and brown leather cord
The scraps of leather and lock & key clasps
The dainty but gorgeous lock and key clasps
There you have it ladies and gentleman March's CC box, or box number 9! 
Do you get CC boxes? What did you think of this month's theme? What's your favourite item?
Love and cuddles
God bless
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