Snape, Snape, Severus Snape...

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Outfit - 
T-shirt - Orange Circle
Cardigan - Newlook
Jeans - Topshop
Jacket - Newlook
Boots - Topshop
Satchel - Camden Market
Rings - Pia, H&M
Nail Varnish - Rimmel Lasting finish 'Double Decker Red'

Hi beautiful people!
If you follow me on either twitter (@HollCooke) or Instagram (holljc) then you may know that yesterday me and my parents made the long journey from Stoke to Watford to go to the HARRY POTTER STUDIO TOUR! (she says still exited about the fact that only yesterday we were there!) Despite the horrible weather and treacherous conditions, we made it there and back in one piece! Although my extremely prepared mum had pretty much prepared for an apocalypse with all the bags of 'stuff' that accompanied me on the backseat! 
Anyhow this was my outfit for the day, and i felt like I'd finally dressed weather appropriate for once! With the weather being as crazy as it is, you can imagine just how thankful I was when I realised I could get my newish newlook blazer over my trusty old newlook cream cardi! Warmth was defiantly needed yesterday! 
I stuck with my simple black topshop leigh jeans, as a 3 hour journey to and from the studios needed nothing but comfort, and these jeans provide that without question! 
Before Christmas I spotted my tee (here) on the orange circle website (here) and fell in love! I know it's just Harry Potters address and all, but it's just such an awesome t-shirt! Then some time in either Jan or Feb it might have gone in to the sale or something, I don't know, but it dropped in price a bit; which I saw as the perfect opportunity to order it! However I wanted to save it for the HP studio tour, so have had it sitting in my wardrobe for the last few months! I was rather proud of myself and how restrained I was!
If you want to see the pictures I took at the HP studio tour, then keep checking back over the next few days or follow me using bloglovin or GFC; as I'll be doing a whole other post about the day/tour!
What do you think of my outfit? Would you wear it? Do you like my tee? Have you been to the HP studio tour?
Love and cuddles
God bless     
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P.S! Oh and if you don't already know the name for this post came from this video! If you haven't got a clue what the names from click the last 'this' and be amazed; but if you do know what the titles from click 'this' anyway; because just watching the video made my day!