The time of our lives #3

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Hi everyone!
Hope you're doing awesome! I'm a bit ill, but never mind cause it's half term now! Which means a week of doing nothing and super awesome lye-ins! Woop!
Today I'm back with the first half of my February Instagram updates! So enjoy! And remember if you want to follow me; click here, click the button to your left or follow me at 'holljc'! 

What my mini year diary calls this month!/me at the train station, waiting for the train to London/our train tickets to London/me with the triceratops at the NHM/me with another dinosaur at the NHM/a cute, teeny weeny hummingbird.
The Cirque Du Soleil program/the Royal Albert Hall/The tickets/me with a dodo at the NHM/love this/me.
My 'group' mug containing a much needed tea/mini fingers first thing before college/this months Company arrived!/I needed this/watching mamma mia to cheer me up/me ready to go out wearing my hero&cape tee.
Ice cream for pudding/the cute little game i made when I was 12/me ready to go to my nans for pancakes/my ice cream and chocolate sauce pancake/snow, snow, snow/Oreo chocolate I found in the college shop! 

So there we go! The instagram updates from the first half of February! Remember to follow my instagram 'holljc' or keep checking back here for more!
Love and cuddles
God bless
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