Something special #2

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Hey everyone!
Hope you've had good weekends! 
Today I'm doing the second of my 'something special' posts. The first one's here, as a few days ago the second Crafty Creatives box of 2013 came through the letter box. 
Well, it was actually carried through the door by my dad, after he'd picked it up from the post office; because it's too big for the letter box. But anyway. If you don't know what Crafty creatives is, then it's a monthly craft box, packed full of awesome crafty items. A similar concept to beauty boxes really! 
Each box has a different theme, and this one was 'spots and stripes' which i found really really interesting!  

The inside of the box!
The beautiful craft card designed by, Paul Heard. On the back it tells you what's inside this months box;
- The crafty creatives kit - Every box has one, this months is a polymer clay necklace! It gives you the opportunity to try something new! 
- Roll of patterned washi tape.
- Bundle of spotty and stripy paper straws in vintage colours.
- 24 spotty cupcake cases.
- Single spotty glass bead - Love this! It's so cute!
- 3m of stripey string! - Can't wait to use this!
- 20 striped resin beads in greens and purples - One of my favourites this month, i think! 
- 50cm strip of green and white spotty pvc fabric.
- Striped cotton fabric.
- Pack of sticky foam dots.
- Sheet of stripey tissue paper
- Round nose pliers - This would've come in handy when I nearly made my fingers bleed making jewelry last month!
- 15 silver-plated head-pins
Here are some pictures, of just a few of the things in this months box!

The round nose pliers! 
I really could've done with these a month of so ago! At least I've got them for future use though! No more hurty or bleedy fingers for me!  
The red striped cotton fabric!
The stripey string!
The green and white spotty pvc fabric
The gorgeous purple and green stripey beads! 
So that's the February CC box, number 8 I think! 
What do you think? Do you have the CC boxes? What's your favourite item this month? Do you like the theme?
Love and cuddles
God bless
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