Just not today...

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Outfit -
Shirt - Topshop
Dress - Topshop

Hey there you! HAPPY PANCAKE DAY! 
Woop! It's Pancake day, so so exited as we're going to my nans this evening and having some wonderful and amazing and delicious pancakes! (so keep your eyes open on instagram)
This is a little outfit I wore for college a few days ago. It's pretty simple, and I don't really know where I got the idea of wearing my shirt on top of my dress from, but I don't think it looks half bad really.  
These lovely little pictures are inside as when I took them, the weather had just decided to have a nice little fit. And had started to snow, like blizzard snow, yet it wasn't sticking or anything. I don't know! It was being stupid anyway, hence why I decided inside would be slightly more logical and a lot less wet!
This is just a rather simple outfit, that was practically perf for college! Just something easy and comfy, which is exactly what I needed!
What do you think of my outfit? Do you wear alot of Topshop? What're you doing for Pancake day? Do you have a 'favourite' topping or sort of pancake? 
Love and cuddles
God Bless 
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