Ever fallen in love with...

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Outfit - 
Jumper - Topshop & illustrated people
Shirt - Topshop
Skirt - Topshop
Boots - Topshop
Nail Varnish - Bonita Nail Enamel 'Picasso Blue'

Hey Lovely ones!
Hope you're having a good week so far! Me and my mum went to Manchester shopping today, and this is what I wore. And to be honest, I really really really like this outfit! Although I'm starting to notice a trend; topshop, topshop, topshop, topshop, topshop, you get the picture. Maybe I should start shopping in other places, as even the coat/jacket I wore with this is from topshop too! But never mind ey. 
Oh yeah and I also need to apologise for the moody look in some of these pictures. We took them before we went out, and it was freaking freezing! I was so so so so so cold! 
But anyway, I actually rather like this outfit, hence why I'm posting twice in two days. I just like how my shirt, looks with the jumper over it! 
What do you think of my outfit? Do you like it? Would you wear something like this? What did you do today?
Love and cuddles
God Bless 
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