New academic years resolutions...

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

If you've read my 'About Holl' section of my blog, then you'll know that I'm studying for my A-levels. But technically I haven't started yet! In the summer I got my GCSE results, so my 'summer holidays' have actually been about 3 months long, instead of the customary 6 weeks; that all other school attenders have. This is a scheduled post, and when it goes up I will be in the midst of my first day at college doing my A-levels. Recently I've been thinking about new years resolutions, and the fact that, when we make them in January I always feel like I'm half way through my year and I could've done with the resolution when I started it. I've decided instead of doing New years resolutions in January; I'm going to be doing New school/academic years resolutions in September. Because everyone from about the age of 5-18 either has a start to the school or academic year, and if you go to uni you do too. And in our house September will always mean the start of the new school year, as my mum's a teacher! Which means that going hand in hand with starting college in September 2012, I'm going to be doing other things too.
I decided upon 3 New academic years resolutions, which are;
1) Go to College, and make new friends. Giving everyday my all; and trying to be bold, and not be afraid to talk to new people.
2) Start a fashion/life/lifestyle blog, and keep at it!
3) Learn to Knit, and be able to give knitted presents to people at Christmas. And also, to use it as a way to relax and wind down. 

All of there are works in progress; I went into college yesterday for an hour to pick up my time table and student ID. I've started my blog and have now written and edited 5 posts. I've borrowed knitting needles from my nan, and both her and my mum have been helping me to improve. I've brought baby pink and lilac wool to start my first project; a checker board blanket for myself.
What do you think of the idea of New academic year resolutions? Will you be making any.
Love and Cuddles
Holl JC xxxx